Wheelchair Scale, Portable, Digital, Folding Column, 1000 lb x .2 lb / 450 kg x .1 kg
6550 Wheelchair Scale Portable Digital Folding Column 1000 lb
DETECTO’s 6550 wheelchair scale offers time-saving and patient comfort benefits. The 6550 features 1,000 lb / 450 kg capacity, optional Wi-Fi for EMR/EHR, vertical fold-up storage, two-way built-in ramps for accessibility from both sides, large 32 in x 36 in / 81 cm x 91 cm platform, clinical-grade accuracy to 0.2 lb / 0.1 kg, battery or AC power, and up to 99 tares (optional) to store wheelchair weights for efficient patient weighing. The ramps rest on the floor for easier patient access. With only one hand you can quickly slide the release lever and fold down the 6550’s column down for easy transport or vertical storage. The platform is only 2.2 inches/56 mm high for easy patient accessibility and comfort while weighing either standing or in a wheelchair. Enjoy the time-saving benefits of this scale, by using the convenient pushbutton or keypad tare to remove the wheelchair.
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