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Seca Products


seca Medical Scales

seca gmbh & co. kg. is the world market leader of medical scales and measuring systems. Therefore with our scales, you’ll benefit from our 175 years of experience in the medical scales. We build precise, functional scales to satisfy your needs in medical technology. In other words, our standards reflect the high-quality production of medical scales and measuring systems.

Scales for all fields of medicine

We offer high-precision scales for all fields of medicine meeting quality demands in medical technology.  Also, compatible medical measuring systems  complement our product line of medical supplies for doctors and medical practices. Moreover, you can supplement your advice to patients and more closely monitor their treatment with help from our top-of-the-line medical device, the seca mBCA.

The seca 360° line

Further explore the product world of the seca 360° line scales equipped with wireless transmission simplify your daily work with patients.  They can be combined with software which connects your scale with your PC or wireless printer.

Serving for over 175 years

In conclusion, we offer you first-class service as the world leader in medical scales. “seca service” is our user-friendly approach that has been recognized by external experts. In 2014 the KVD (customer service association of Germany) awarded seca the Service Management Prize for exceptional and innovative service.  Our knowledge of medical technology requirements over the past 175 years stands behind our promise to repair and maintain your seca scales.
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