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Safetec Products


Safetec of America, Inc. is your source for infection control, first aid and compliance products. Therefore we’re the perfect choice if you’re interested in the protection of your employees from the unexpected. As a result customers stay with our company for their infection control and first aid needs.  Further, all of the products we manufacture are made in the United States of America.

We’ve kept workers safe for 27 years from cross-contamination of infectious diseases.

Safetec develops a line of products that work within a wide variety of markets such as:

– hospitals
– physician offices
– long-term care facilities
– emergency medical
– correctional institutions
– industrial facilities
– transportation systems
– schools
– tanning salons
– restaurants, etc.

Our goal is to keep workers safe from cross-contamination of infectious disease.  Your company’s safety and success are our focus.

Our team of over 100 highly qualified employees work to ensure the best production and product delivery. With a large line of protection we offer our customers the very best value in complete product solutions.

The team at Safetec follows strict quality control procedures when we develop and manufacture our products.  In other words, we follow strict FDA and EPA regulations.  In conclusion, the focus of our products is to help reduce the risk of cross-contamination and aid in the prevention of spreading infectious disease while fulfilling compliance guidelines.
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