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PTS Diagnostics Products

PTS Diagnostics

PTS Diagnostics creates health innovation that drives action and connects people to improved outcomes. Unique innovative products offering certified accuracy, precision, and complete certification. A state of the art company that creates portable, compact, and lightweight easy to transport and store devices.

The A1CNow®+ system provides healthcare professionals with a fast and easy way of obtaining accurate A1C results with just a fingerstick. Furthermore, this innovative technology enables clinicians to communicate face-to-face with patients. Finally, it provides patients an immediate way to control their type 1 and 2 diabetes in minutes, not days.

The CardioChek Plus analyzer achieves accuracy similar to that of a clinical laboratory. However, it only requires a small (40 μL) blood sample from a fingerstick. It provides a complete blood glucose and lipid panel test within 90 seconds.

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